Author Guidelines

The following are instructions for writing a paper in the International Journal  of Computer Sciences and Mathematics Engineering (IJECOM)  published by the Indonesian consortium Socitey of Applied Science  (ISAS). The authors are solely responsible for the content of the manuscript written and the manuscript is a writing that has never been published. Referral lists are made in sequence starting from 1, 2, 3 and so on.


Title Written with Font Times New Roman 15pt (Max 12 Words: Indonesian, not bold)

Author1, Author21
Departments, Faculty, Institution
2Departments, Faculty, Institution,*(korensponding author sign)

The title should be clear, straightforward, concise and informative that describes the contents of the article, a maximum of 12 words, a letter size of 15pt, not bold and only the initial letter of the word is printed capital.

The author's name is written clearly without a title. The author's e-mail is displayed all, if the koresponding author is not the first author, then the symbol * behind the author's email koresponding can be added.

Abstract [Times New Roman 10]

The content of the abstract should summarize a summary containing the background, research objectives, methods, findings and the main conclusions of the writing. Abstract writing in Indonesian written left-right, after abstract in English, with one space and one column. The word "Abstract" as the title is written in times 10-point letters, bold, flat left, with the first letter capitalized. Abstract text is written in 9-point Times letters, one space, up to approximately 250 words. After the abstract Indonesian write keywords from the manuscript 3 to 6 words / phrases. Then continue with the main text of the manuscript.


Keywords are written in 3 - 6 words / phrases that should be a subset of the title of the manuscript and separated by comma punctuation for between words / phrases.

Manuscript Structure

Manuscripts are written in structure; 1. Introduction, 2. Research Methods (can include analysis, architecture, methods used to solve problems, implementation), 3. Results and Discussion, 4. Conclusion, 5. Thank you (if any) and 6. Referral List.

The content of the introduction is the answer to the question [2,3]: (1). Background, (2). Brief literature review of related research (3). The reason for this research was conducted and (4). Question of purpose. State of the art, gap analysys  and  noverlity  are seen here.  Avoid discussing library reviews and defenitions of a general nature.

Research Methodology

Describe the preparation methods and characterization techniques used. Describe concisely, but remain accurate such as size, volume, replication and workmanship techniques. For the new method it must be explained in detail in order for other researchers to reproduce the experiment. While the established method can be explained by picking references[4-6].

Length of Script

Manuscripts are written in paper size A4 with a minimum number of pages of 6 pages outside the reference list,  a maximum of 15 pages, including tables and figures, distances between paragraphs 6pt and with reference to the writing procedures as compiled in this article.

Results and Discussions

Series of research results based on logical sequences / arrangements to form a story. It shows facts/data and don't discuss the results. Can use Tables and Numbers but not spell out repeatedly against the same data in images, tables and text. To further clarify the description, you can use subtitles.

Discussion is the basic explanation, relationship and generalization shown by the results. The description answers a research question. If there are any dubious results then show it objectively.

Manuscript Layout

An easy way to create a layout is to use this guide directly. Basically it is advisable not to use numbering  (1, 2, 3, a, b, etc.) in the discussion of the manuscript, change it to a sentence form. Avoid using  Bullet/clusteredlists with symbols *,  √  and more. Avoid empty sections of the page.

In order forsubmitted manuscripts to  be processed immediately by editors, make sure they have been well written following these guidelines carefully.


Tables must be numbered in the order of presentation (Table 1, etc.). The title of the table is written above the table with thecenter justifiedposition, there is no bold or colored print. The font used is 8pt in both the table title and the contents of the table. The table should be referenced and referenced in the text. There is no perpendicular line in the table.


Images are numbered in the order of presentation (Figure.1, etc.). Image caption The image is placed under the image in the middle position(centre justified). The font used in the image title is 8pt. The image should be referenced and referenced in  the text.


Formulas are written clearly using equations  with index numbers, explanations of formula variables written in paragraph form, not list items.  

Listing Program

Program listing and algorithm design are written using lucia console letters (8pt) with a fixed width.

Page Specifications

Use the Times New Roman typeface throughout the manuscript, with the font size as exemplified in this writing guide. Spacing is single  and the content of the writing or manuscript uses left-right alignment(justified). The page size is A4 (210 mm x 297 mm). The page margin is 25 mm up-down, left and right.

An easy way to write a manuscript is to write directly in the Journal template.


In conclusion there should be no reference. Conclusions contain facts obtained, simply answer the problem or purpose of the research (do not be a discussion anymore); State possible applications, implications and speculations accordingly. If needed, give advice for further research. State the conclusions in paragraph-shaped sentences, not in the form of numbering.

Thank you (if any)

Name the helpful funder and facility giver.

Referral List

It is recommended to use mendeley/zotero tools for referral management. Everything listed in the bibliography / reference must be referenced / referenced in the manuscript. Minimum of 10 primary and recent references (last 5 years). Written in 8pt letter size and using the IEEE citation method.