Analysis Of Output Power Control Of Mini On Grid Plts Without Kwh Exim In Fajrul Iman Patumbak Modern Islamic Boarding School


  • Muhammad Fadlan Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Parlin Siagian Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Adi Sastra P Tarigan Unversitas Pembangunan Panca Budi



Renewable Energy, Energy, Boarding School, Stub, Solar cell, Electricity bills


The decreasing of world’s supply of fossil energy caused by the human need for energy continues to increase. As a result, energy prices will be more expensive. Solar cells that utilize solar energy are a source of renewable electrical energy (RE). The use of solar cells to generate electricity can be used to reduce the burden of electricity bills anywhere as in Islamic boarding schools. The burden of electricity bills at the Fajrul Iman Patumbak Modern Islamic Boarding School, Deli Serdang Regency is quite a burden on Islamic boarding school expenses. To reduce the burden of spending on electricity bills at Islamic boarding schools, solar cells and control equipment are installed so that they can generate electricity. The control system is installed using an on-grid system, the electricity generated can be directly used by the Islamic boarding school during the day and will reduce some of the power absorbed/taken from PLN. After this service is carried out, the cost of spending on Islamic boarding schools has decreased.




How to Cite

Muhammad Fadlan, Parlin Siagian, & Tarigan, A. S. P. (2023). Analysis Of Output Power Control Of Mini On Grid Plts Without Kwh Exim In Fajrul Iman Patumbak Modern Islamic Boarding School. International Journal Of Computer Sciences and Mathematics Engineering, 2(1), 16–27.


