Recommendation System For Selecting Residential Complexes Using The SAW Method In Decision Support


  • Ade Rizka Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi



Decision Support System, Housing, Residence, Recomendation, SAW


Housing is one of the main needs of society. Homes are selected based on the buyer's constraints, needs, and desires. The characteristics of housing for each family's needs and desires are different, so a selection process must be carried out. Constraints in collecting information and data for each house complex manually result in the process being less effective and efficient because it takes time and money. Several factors influence the choice of housing, namely the price of the residential unit, the area of the residence, the legality of the residence, the residential rooms, and the need for a clean water source. The SAW method is a data management method that can help buyers make decisions in choosing housing that suits their needs and desires. The SAW method will calculate the final preference value for each alternative house complex based on 20 alternative data samples for house complexes and 5 attributes. Recommendations for choosing a home complex are several options that can be adjusted or eliminated according to the buyer's constraints, needs, and desires. The results of the SAW method calculations can help and make it easier for buyers to make decisions in choosing housing from several recommended housing complexes. The SAW method can be applied in the housing selection process based on the buyer's constraints, needs, and desires. Using a decision support system can save time and minimize errors.


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How to Cite

Ade Rizka. (2023). Recommendation System For Selecting Residential Complexes Using The SAW Method In Decision Support. International Journal Of Computer Sciences and Mathematics Engineering, 2(2), 152–161.