Design of a web-based application for managing evidence data at the East Aceh District Prosecutor's Office


  • Ryan Firdaus Teuku Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi



Attorney, Evidence, Application, Waterfall, DFD


The prosecutor's office is a government institution that has the authority to delegate, prosecute perpetrators in court and carry out the decisions and decisions of criminal judges. Evidence is the object of a criminal act. Administrative processing of evidence at the East Aceh District Prosecutor's Office uses office computer applications so that the data stored is not well structured and is not centralized. This makes it difficult for evidence officers to recapitulate data quickly and efficiently. Apart from that, the risk of data loss or administrative errors is also prone to occur due to the absence of an authentication process for office computer application users for handling such evidence. The aim of this research is to build an evidence data processing application to facilitate the activities of evidence and confiscated property management section officers to manage data effectively.


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How to Cite

Teuku, R. F. (2023). Design of a web-based application for managing evidence data at the East Aceh District Prosecutor’s Office. International Journal Of Computer Sciences and Mathematics Engineering, 2(2), 160–167.