Implementation Of Projector Screen Control With Android


  • Bobby A. Sembiring Meiala Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Radiyan Rahim Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi



Quality of Service, Raspberry pi, Smartphone, Wireless


The use of Liquid Crystal Display ( LCD) in daily activities is often hampered because it is still mandatory to use a laptop or computer as a feature to deliver presentations, therefore in this research an LCD projector control system was designed using a Smartphone, where the LCD Projector can be controlled using a smartphone, be it turning on, turning off, or as a source of information or video to be displayed on the LCD projector can use a smartphone only. This system uses Raspberry Pi as a link between the LCD projector and the smartphone, the screen display from the smartphone is to be sent to raspberry pi via the wifi network, which after that will be displayed on the LCD projector. And in tests that were tried to measure the strength of the WIFI signal against the distance, it was found that this system could run well with the maximum distance between the smartphone and the Raspberry Pi was 18 meters. As well as the ideal distance is 10 meters. As well as for testing quality of service( QoS) obtained the average Delay value resulting from measurements from various points is 359ms. As well as the average throughput value is 169. 3KBps.


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How to Cite

Bobby A. Sembiring Meiala, & Radiyan Rahim. (2023). Implementation Of Projector Screen Control With Android. International Journal Of Computer Sciences and Mathematics Engineering, 2(2), 168–175.