Design Smart Door Locks With Internet Of Things Based On Pin Security Features


  • Fachrid Wadly Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi



door lock, iot, pin, telegram


Smart door lock systems have become an interesting topic of research in recent years due to the need for higher security when accessing rooms or buildings. This research aims to design and implement a smart door lock system that uses an Internet of Things (IoT)-based personal identification number (PIN) that can be controlled through the Telegram messaging platform.

The system is designed so that users can give commands via Telegram messages to open or lock doors securely. Users can access the door without needing to be physically near it. In addition, the level of security is enhanced by allowing only authorized users to control the door via Telegram messages, as well as by implementing strong encryption and authentication mechanisms.

In conclusion, this study succeeded in designing and implementing an IoT-based smart door lock system that can be controlled through the Telegram messaging platform using a personal identification number (PIN) as a security method. This system provides an efficient, secure, and practical solution for managing smart door access remotely. It is expected that this research can make a positive contribution to the development of smart door security technology and IoT applications at large


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How to Cite

Fachrid Wadly. (2023). Design Smart Door Locks With Internet Of Things Based On Pin Security Features. International Journal Of Computer Sciences and Mathematics Engineering, 2(2), 176–186.