Design Of Heavy Equipment Rental System At Pt. Tiger Perkasa Sumatra Based Website


  • muslim Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi



Rental System, machine, Website


PT. Tiger Perkasa Sumatra is a construction company located at Jalan Komplek Golden Land, Deli Serdang Regency. PT. Tiger Perkasa Sumatra, which is engaged in contractors and heavy equipment, currently still processes inventory data and makes inventory reports manually. Judging from the process of using manual processing of inventory data, there will often be problems, including: the stored data is often lost; it takes a long time to process and find the necessary inventory data; there is often duplication of data, making reports longer; the results are less accurate; and there are often errors in inputting data. The results of research on the existence of a heavy equipment rental system at PT. Tiger Perkasa Sumatra are based on a website that makes it easier for tenants of PT. Tiger Perkasa Sumatra to do digital rentals, and the system is built effectively and efficiently.


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How to Cite

muslim. (2023). Design Of Heavy Equipment Rental System At Pt. Tiger Perkasa Sumatra Based Website. International Journal Of Computer Sciences and Mathematics Engineering, 2(2), 187–199.