Early Earthquake Prediction Using a Hybrid Feature Selection and Ensemble Learning Approach
Earthquakes,, Voting ClassifierAbstract
Earthquakes are extremely dangerous natural disasters that can cause severe damage to infrastructure and loss of life. These disasters often occur suddenly, making mitigation efforts difficult. Therefore, earthquake prediction is very important for human safety. The scientific community continues to be interested in this topic, and our understanding of this complex natural phenomenon will be improved if we can develop accurate earthquake prediction models using machine learning methods. These models will help save lives and reduce damage. In this study, we propose a new feature selection approach that combines two filtering approaches: normalization on analysis of variance, Chi-square technique, and correlation based on Logistic Regression to analyze the correlation between features and select the main features before feeding them into the classification model. Four commonly used algorithms are applied to help find patterns in the obtained data. Our method, which relies on a soft voting classifier that combines the best three models to produce a single model that carries the strengths of the combined models, is able to predict earthquakes early. The proposed methodology outperforms previous studies, achieving accuracy, F1_score, recall, and precision of (0.994, 0.99, 1, 0.98), respectively.
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